Dawn Childress digital scholarship : book history : textual studies

CfP: Building Capacity with Care: Graduate Students and DH Work in the Library

Organizers of the DH 2016 workshop, Building Capacity with Care: Graduate Students and DH Work in the Library, have issued a call for participation for the day-long workshop to be held in Kraków, Poland this summer.


From the website: “Libraries have an increasingly prominent role in the production of digital humanities scholarship through centers, programs, initiatives, and more. As leading scholars in the field like Bethany Nowviskie have repeatedly argued, getting graduate students involved in this work is essential for the future of digital work in the academy, and for the career success of 21st century scholars.[1] Graduate students represent valuable members of digital humanities teams in a variety of institutional and library settings. They collaborate with scholars in labs, as members of project teams, as fellows, interns, instructors, research assistants, principal investigators, and everything in between. […] This workshop will address how libraries and digital humanities organizations can make an ethic of care the foundation upon which their graduate student labor arrangements are built as they look to expand capacity within their institutions and beyond.”

For more information or to submit an application to participate, please visit the “Building Capacity with Care” website. The application deadline is March 31.

[1] “On Capacity and Care.” Bethany Nowviskie, October 4, 2015. http://nowviskie.org/2015/on-capacity-and-care/.

Preferred citation:

Childress, Dawn. "CfP: Building Capacity with Care: Graduate Students and DH Work in the Library." (blog), 04 Mar 2016, https://dawnchildress.com/2016/03/04/gradlabor/.